Brigit, Goddess of Fire and Hearth

Meet the “Goddess Brigit”                                                                         01/13/2017

Recently I made the decision to purchase a brand new kiln, not used, or refurbished, but a brand new kiln. I weighed the tax write off for 2016, the money I was putting out in kiln fees and the time I was spending running back and forth hauling my items being fired. On top of that I was losing revenue as on occasion some of the greenware did not make the ride to the kiln intact. Another issue I was bumping up against was turnaround time. I figured if I had my own kiln my turnaround time could be more than halved. All in all, great arguments for the purchase and so I took the leap.


I purchased a Skutt Kiln. It’s beautiful and shiny and holds a place of honor in our garage. I felt like she needed a name too. Of course my kiln is a she, I can’t imagine it any other way. I researched Goddesses of Fire and found Brigit the Goddess of Fire and Hearth in Celtic lore. Having Irish ancestry, it seemed perfect…so Brigit it is.

This was a very sound business decision. I paid for it with a zero interest credit card so I didn’t have to lay out a big pile of cash and I could slowly pay it over time. I bought it at the end of the year, so I had the tax benefit. I have total control over my firing schedule and my turnaround time went from 4 weeks, to as little as 10 days if need be.


I still have so much to learn about Brigit, so far she is steady and reliable and simple to use. I am looking forward to trying some of the options allowed by this gorgeous shiny beauty down the road.
