What are you working on Teri?

Thanks for asking. I have been spending quite a bit of time in the studio and am pleased with the output. My Wonky Pitchers are getting wonderful attention and I had only made a few, so I made 20 more.

Here they are drying.

A friend asked me to make nesting bowls (3 mixing bowls that fit inside of each other) I haven’t spent much time on the wheel recently and I love a challenge. Here are my first attempts, they are great bowls but they don’t quite nest properly. This still needs work. Upside I have 7 great bowls to sell.

Here they are
Some of them I textured.

And finally I made 3 different platters that are drying. The ones flipped upside down on the bowls are the curved platters and then finally a rectangular platter with handles.

Curved platters
I need a few more of these.

The added benefit of the extra studio time, is I spend more time perfecting each items with sanding, smoothing, cleaning up tiny little divots. Please keep checking back as I am adding product constantly to the site.

Book suggestion: The Dutch House, the audio-version is read by Tom Hanks. Stay Safe, Teri

Making Use of Quarantine Time

Due to several medical issues, I am out on disability from my day job, just in time to be quarantined due to COVID 19. I am considered “at risk” so I must stay home. I’ve been taking advantage of that situation as my health has allowed. It’s easy to get in a routine where you don’t add anything new to your inventory because you are filling orders. Due to all the downtime, I am stretching my clay muscles and coming up with some new ideas and challenging myself as well.

I have also committed to clean up this website and to add product as soon as possible otherwise I put it off for months and get deplorably behind. Perhaps that should be a resolution each year, because I do have the good intentions, it’s just that I like creating much more.

Pagoda Boxes

Some of my newer items are various covered boxes in unusual shapes. I have also started sculpting birds, the first load is in the kiln as I write this and making what I lovingly call Wonky Pitchers that are in no way perfect, nor are they meant to be, but they are to be whimsical. Too I am working on nested mixing bowls, a fun and challenging project that I have always wanted to perfect.

Wonky pitchers

I’ve never had great chunks of time to spend in my studio, it’s usually a few hours here and there, this break has been a luxury I would have never had normally. Always look for the positive. Stay safe and busy. Book recommendation “The Girl Who Lived”, gripping and compelling.

Stay safe, Teri

Pottery and COVID

Hi Friends,

During this uncertain time of pandemic and COVID, please note the precautions being taken. Due to the high firing temperature, COVID will not be present in your item. Each item will be throughly wiped down with antiseptic wipes to ensure cleanliness before leaving the shop. I purchase my supplies in bulk, therefore all packaging has been in my shop well before the outbreak.


As I am considered “At Risk” I follow stringent procedures in my home and shop. Please don’t be offended if you are picking up a purchase and the item is left on my stoop. In the event I come to the door, I will be wearing a mask. While in the shop, you’ll be required to wear a mask, I also have wipes and hand sanitizer available for use.

Thank you for your understanding, stay healthy and safe.

Teri Spadafora, Owner and Potter