Flower Pots/Planters

The calendar says March, but the snow last night and the frigid temperature says January. None the less, Spring is actually on her way. In preparation I’ve been producing flower pots and planters. I’ve been approached by a few people about designing pots for them. Here are a few of the pots I’ve been creating. I’ve been trying to come up with a “signature” flower pot. I think this tapered pot with the fluted rim may be what I am looking for. I like the overall design. I like that it takes the basic pot and with just a few adjustments creates a completely unique pot.  I have a feeling I will be throwing this fluted pot for many years to come.

My original design flower pot.
A planter designed for Alyson!
An earlier version of the fluted pot, I make them taller and exaggerate the taper now.